This catalog is a work in progress. There are many series and books to be uploaded here. Check back for more updates soon. Last Updated 6/15/2024.

Audio - E Series
These selections consist of a series of recorded talks, which demonstrate practical evangelism in action. You will hear real people presenting the issues involved and hear the right way to respond in actual situations. Evangelism is not optional, but a necessary part of the one true Faith. You will get real-world practical advice on what to do and how to do it.
E1 - For the Jew
The follower of modern Judaism presents a unique challenge to the Catholic evangelist. Unlike the Protestant, little "common ground" can be exploited. In this SELECTION, which includes both a conversation and some formal instruction, various approaches and tactics are suggested, based primarily upon the defects of Judaism and universal human attributes.
E2 - One Inch Away
John was by his own admission "one inch away" from leaving the Church and becoming some type of Fundamentalist. A seminarian supporter of ARM heard about John and put him on the phone with Vin. In this conversation, John is confronted with the defects of the Fundy "faith" and challenged to seek the truth in Rome. You'll hear why (and how) he was convinced to come home to Rome. A PERFECT example of how to handle the weak "Catholic" who may be falling away!
E3 - Nun-sense
A postulant of the Sisters of Charity had a few troubling questions concerning the effort to convert others. As we can never change another person's will, why bother to try? And what is the role or value of prayer for the conversion of another? These and numerous similar questions were asked and answered in a series of conversations.
E4 - Transition
Apologetics and evangelism may be considered as two sides of the same coin. Apologetics should always lead into evangelism. It is not enough merely to defend the Faith; we Catholics need to spread it, too. However, making the transition from one effort into the other is sometimes very difficult. This talk given to a Catholic lay group in Wisconsin outlines a very specific and easy to master program by which this transition can be made.
E5 - The Triple I
This live talk (subtitled: "Why be disagreeable...and how!") gives an overall view of apologetic/evangelistic efforts by identifying the three essential parts and detailing how to use the "rules of engagement" to draw essential distinction between Catholic and non-Catholic positions. This product includes part of a question and answer session.

Audio - F Series (Joseph Calley)

The "Joseph Calley" series is a different approach to Catholicism. The treasures of the faith are presented from an outsider's point of view. Joseph Calley is a "former Congregationalist minister." These unique views are both scholarly and personal. Sometimes those of us who have always been Catholic tend to overlook the most precious part of our Faith simply because they are so familiar. The views of this former "outsider" can engender a new appreciation, whether we have been Catholics all our lives, or are recent converts ourselves. The most marvelous aspect of this series is Joseph's ability to make the most profound truths easily understandable by the use of ingenious analogies and illustrations from common life experiences.

F1 - Why be Catholic? (Part One)
This seemingly simple question is actually the most profound which any person can ask or answer. Here Joseph tries to approach the issue from the view of a visitor in an art museum. He appreciates the treasures not only because of their inherent values, but because he has never beheld them before. Among the reasons why Joseph suggests that one should be a Catholic are: although Catholicism is the "losing team" (from the world's point of view) why is it the only thing which matters; how and why the Bible means something only to Catholics; why human freedom can only be based upon truth; how Catholicism gives a solution to the problem of suffering; problems which the non-Catholic have with the very concept of God...much more.
F1 - Why be Catholic? (Part Two)
In the continuation of these "comments from a convert," Joseph deals with the following: how ONLY Catholic theology can support the belief in a loving God; the central issue of salvation, and why Catholic theology is the one way which involves man in this most essential act; with a brilliant and fascinating insight, how the pro-abortion/contraceptive mentality based upon opposition to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; how the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is directly related to man's salvation...and much more.
F2 - The Meaning of Life
By examining both contemporary mass movements and some elemental basics of human behavior, Joseph explains why living as a Catholic is the ONLY way to have any kind of meaningful life. The discussion is based upon a few axioms: humans are dissatisfied on earth; we seek some value and meaning to our life; the current solutions such as money and materialism only lead to greater dissatisfaction. The solution? It is all centered upon one very necessary and very Catholic truth.
F3 - Subjective Faith
In this entry Joseph examines the only strength of Protestantism, its organic trusting conception of faith, and explains how it can be used to strengthen the Faith of Catholics. By examining the degree of subjectivity in most human actions, and by pointing out the frequently subjective approach of Jesus in the Gospels, the dogmatic truth of Catholicism is used as a starting point for Catholics to develop their own relationships with Jesus.
F4 - Luther's Errors
THE seminal "document" of the Protestant Revolution is St Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Martin Luther based much of his "theology," especialy his "salvation only by faith," on it. Yet, if one actually reads the words of the Epistle, it supports the Catholic position and destroys the Protestant view. Joseph Calley guides you through certain key verses and gives some very practical advice on how to show the true meaning of the Epistle to your Protestant friends (or enemies!).

Audio - H Series

The ONLY course designed to teach you how to become an evangelist for the True Faith.

This set was devised by: a committee of committed concerned lay Catholics who wanted to "do something" about the state of the Church but had no practical expertise (like you?); the late Father Peter Cody (pastor of St. Charles Borromeo in Dover Plains, NY); and the experts at ARM. Therefore, there was input from clerical and lay experts as well as the average Catholic. This prevented the course from being too technical at one extreme, and not informative enough at the other.

Each 90-minute track consists of a 45-minute lecture, and then the toughest questions you will ever run into on that particular subject, and how to answer them the way an expert would. Each session was recorded live at the Church, in the presence of regular Catholics, just like you! The goal is to give you a sense of how to present Catholic truths to non-Catholics so that they will understand and accept. We emphasize again that this course was designed for YOU—the average Catholic. YOU do not need any previous information, or any specialized knowledge, or any prior training. The course is designed to be totally practical, and deals only with the most important issues, and the easiest way to present them.

H1 - The Real Value of Truth
Tells you why truth is essential to real Christianity, and why only Rome has it. Everyone says that truth is "important," but this talk shows (1) why ONLY Catholics really mean it when we say it; and (2) what it means when we say that truth is essential for salvation. This talk sets the tone for the entire series.
H2 - The Church
What did JESUS say about HIS Church, and how we are to identify Her? What is the role of the Church? Do YOU know that there is ONLY two functions in Her Divine aspects? Can you explain why the Church must be what She is? The analogy of the Church as a court makes this teaching clear and understandable to anyone.
H3 - The Bible
What is the Bible really for? How did it come about? How do you understand its message? This talk explains the proper relationship between the Church and the Bible. Also gives a brief history of this most important book.
H4 - Salvation
The key issue and how it differs from redemption and justification, the role of virtues. This talk gives a clear explanation of the interrelationships between the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity: explaining how they are interdependent upon each other, AND how all three are necessary for salvation.
H5 - The Blessed Mother
YOU can not be an evangelist and NOT be able to explain why She is truly called the "Gate of Heaven," and we are commanded to honor Her. This selection explains why veneration of the Blessed Mother is essential to Christianity, and gives a suggestion for a "natural law" defense of the Immaculate Conception.
H6 - Purgatory & Tradition
If you lack some of the Biblical proofs for the establishment of the validity of these dogmas, this selection will help. Moreover, it also offers an ARM technique to establish Catholic proofs by avoiding "difficult" words and by using the "something else" approach.
H7 - Statues & Saints
Devotions to the saints are NOT an "allowable" custom of true Christianity! They are an inseparable and essential part of it! Nor are statues and Catholic heroes something which one can "take or leave alone". If you can not defend this view, and primarily from the same Bible which Protestants use to attack these truths, then you need to learn the facts from this talk.
H8 - The Non-Catholic
What is the personality and motivation of the non-Catholic? This pertains especially to the ones who know about Catholicism, and yet refuse to enter the Church. This talk gives you a concept of the basic types. Also it gives insights into the basic nature of human behavior and what motivates EVERYONE. This is essential if YOU intend to attempt conversions.
H9 - Call to Conversion
Why are FEELINGS on our side? In an entirely new approach to presenting the truths of Catholicism to the non-Catholic, this talk suggests that we try to use both feelings AND logic, both intuition AND reason, to help a person accept the truth and the claims of Rome. Also, it includes a summation of the course, and an encouragement to evangelize. YOU will probably need this one talk most of all.

Audio - L Series - Protestantism

Why Is ARM so expert on protestantism?

The answer is realty quite simple: experience. Before ARM produced its first tape on Protestantism, its founders interviewed HUNDREDS of people of every rank and denomination to determine what real protestant beliefs are. We did not ignore the more scholarly approach of reading books, but unlike most "researchers” we did not stop at this point. You will not be dealing with books but with real people who are following a human system pretending to be a religion.

As in every other human system, the theory is quite out of touch with the practice. ARM guarantees you that what you will learn in your ARM products will be what protestants really believe, what they really say, and how they really will act. ARM designs things for reality, not for academic inquiry.

YOU live in the real world, and that is why no other audio product or book can come close to the inherent value of ARM's products.

Quite simply, they are the best, because they are based upon real people, real situations, and real issues. You won't find this in any other product.

This series deals with and exposes the errors of this most invalid "religious" system. Some errors are quite specific, while others deal with the general "philosophy" of the system. These failures are engendered as an unavoidable consequence of its utter disregard for Truth.

This series is designed to "ARM" the average true Christian with the proper information so that he can refute protestant positions. It also, however, intends to help the honest "protestant" free himself from these human devised "superstitions" so that he may learn what true Christianity is.

With these selections, you’ll never again be at a loss to refute the claims of the fundamentalist, and of the "main liner" alike, using the Bible itself ...which, of course, was written by and for Catholics.

Be advised: These products are completely uncompromising in their destruction of this perversion of Christianity.


L1A - Protestant View of Scripture
Protestants (particularly the "Fundies") claim to revere the Bible, and base their beliefs on it. In reality, this is the opposite of what they actually do. This selection shows how the problems of translation, transcription, the "original manuscripts," etc. destroy this false claim.
L1B - "Sola Scriptura?"
This phrase ("Scripture only") was this tallying cry of the first Protestant rebels. Today, it is the easiest heresy of Protestantism to refute. Learn how the Bible itself, the very words of Jesus, and the teachings of St. Paul, all demand rejection of this false claim. Many Catholic "apologists" have tackled this issue, but none have done it as well.
L2A - Protestantism and Infallibility
Protestants love to chant that "no man is infallible". This self contradiction is a perfect example of why their system has no place for authority, eternal laws of morality, nor ways to determine them. It explains why truth and infallibility are, and must be, inseparable.
L2B - Protestant View of Truth
Any valid "Christian" system should have an important place for truth, as Jesus Himself told us; which is why Protestantism has no use for it. In reality, the Protestants base their beliefs on opposing truth. Is this hard to believe? Simply listen to how the Bible exposes the falseness of the Protestant view.
L3A - "Born Again" and the Holy Spirit
Whenever they say that they have been "born again," Protestants do not mean what the Bible means by this term, and it is not the "holy" spirit which they let into their souls, and hearts. Simply examine their own claims to see how false their words and positions are.
L3B - Protestant View of the Church
Jesus meant something quite definite when He spoke of His Church, but Protestantism refuses to accept Him, instead avoiding the entire issue by choosing a distortion which leads to pure lunacy, deception, and lies. Learn why they will NEVER and can NEVER confront this essential doctrine.
L4 - Protestant Errors on salvation
As salvation is THE key issue in Christianity, one would suppose that Protestantism would attempt to formulate a consistent position, even if it is not a correct one. As they make everything up from their own imaginations, this is not difficult. However, the Protestant position on salvation is filled with self contradictions and anti- Biblical formulations. This selection compares Protestant inventions, whimsy, and foolishness to the clear Biblical teachings, and to the words of Jesus which Protestants NEVER quote, and frequently actually deny. This selection is a true shocker!
L5A - Protestant Errors on Sin
Coping with sin is central to Christianity, which is probably why Protestantism can not come to grips with it. In this system sin can not be explained, nor remitted, nor explained, nor forgiven, nor dealt with. It simply has no place in this human fabricated "theological system."
L5B - Predestination
This uniquely Protestant fabrication is so devised that it makes God Himself a sinner, and denies human nature. This selection proves beyond any doubt that no living Protestant believes in this silliness...even though many formally will affirm it as a "dogma".
L6A - Protestant Lifestyle
If a person actually tried to put Protestant values into action, what would life be like? This selection shows how such an "attempt" would be totally in conflict with the teachings of Jesus, e.g. Protestantism prevents any parent from teaching values to his child.
L6B - Universal Priesthood
This most basic "dogma" of the Protestants (which they themselves actually violate, even while they CLAIM to believe it) formally rejects any form of clergy, declaring all believers to be "equal" before God. Maybe they ignore it because Jesus teaches exactly the opposite ...this seldom discussed issue utterly destroys the entire Protestant system all by itself.
L7A - What Protestants Really Believe
Just like politicians, Protestants do not really believe what they say. Instead they hide their beliefs for when they are alone. This selection allows you to be there, and learn what Protestants really do believe: that salvation comes from works alone; that Catholics are smarter, that Purgatory does exist, and more.
L7B - The "God" of the Protestants
The "deity" which the Protestants claim for themselves bares a striking resemblance to the "spirit force" worshiped by the followers of the "New Age" movement, which explains why both movements are virtually the same, in their views of power, in their "theology," and in their value systems.
L8 - Martin Luther
Are you one of those who still believe that old Martin was "mistaken and misguided, but still basically good and honest". He was very mistaken; however, he was also the founder and defender of the Nazi system, an advocate of adultery, a hater of God, and an opponent of good works, who declared vice to be virtue. Does this seem hard to believe? Then listen to Martin's OWN WORDS the ones even Lutherans are too ashamed to quote, but CAN'T deny and decide for yourself if Martin was the most evil man who ever lived or if he comes in second only to Judas. Then ask some Protestant how they still consider him a "hero".
L9 - Why does it still exist?
Protestantism is so bad that no honest and intelligent person can defend it yet millions still adhere to it. This selection exposes the strange combination of special interest, human failings, vice, rebellion, dishonesty, and bizarre imaginative fantasies which keep the "corpse" on life support even though the body has been morally "brain dead" from its conception. This selection deals with the moral failure of the system.
L10 - Paradoxes of Protestantism
This selection is an overall view of this system's internal contradictions which express themselves most clearly in certain key issues, such as: the problem of authority, the Kingship of God, history, the Bible itself. In each case the correct view and the Protestant view conflict so as to show the basic falsity of the entire system Jesus said "a house divided can not stand".
L11 - The Essential Differences
Far too often today, in attempts to "ecumenical", the actual differences between Protestantism and Catholicism are blurred, minimized, or even denied. The reality is quite different, and they are quite important. Some of the differences examined in this selection are: "atonement" vs. redemption, the nature of man, what God does, more ...this selection is an excellent introduction to the entire issue.
L12 - Protestantism and Feminism
These two "movements" have a great deal in common, e.g. contempt of women and hatred of masculinity. This selection illustrates why both use Communist and Nazi type brain washing methods, suppress searching for truth, downgrading male values, and destroying the worth of the individual, advocating the stereotype, more.
L13A - Clichés of Protestantism
Certain sayings are recited so often by Protestants, that they become clichés. This selection shows that such clichés are not only not true, but are designed to prevent honest examination of true beliefs. Some of these are: it’s all semantics, and no one is infallible, and many more. Learn the correct responses.
L13B - Protestant View of Death
Death is something with which every religious system must deal. Protestantism considers it both a blessing and a curse, at the same time. This selection explains why suicide is THE Protestant "sacrament," and why Protestants do NOT really want to get into heaven. (Naturally, otherwise they would become Catholics).
L14A - "Total Depravity?"
The Protestant holds that ALL humans are INHERENTLY evil. This is totally wrong, and completely against Scripture, and blasphemy against God. But unless you understand this and why the Protestants hold this to be true, and how to refute it, you will not fully understand the nature of Protestantism.
L14B - Protestant View of Forgiveness
This selection deals with the view of this system when it comes to remission and forgiveness of sin. You would think that the Protestants could formulate something on this subject, as it is so important to Christianity - something either Scriptural or consistent - but they fail in both ways.
L15 - Fundamentalist Bible Problems
It is a common misconception that the Fundamentalist takes the Bible seriously, and studies it with the goal of learning its meaning. This is far from true as you will learn. The "Fundy" Bible approach is pure nonsense. This selection exposes a series of apparent "contradictions" in the Bible which are insoluble ...without the authority of the true Church. Numerous verses are directly compared showing how the "Fundy" view of taking the Bible literally is not only foolish, but (quite literally) impossible. Note: this selection is not designed for "casual Bible students". It is designed for serious study.
L16 - Five Point Reply
Some people consider the "five point Presbyterian"(TULIP) to be the most rigorous, and the most consistent type of Protestant. These are the "hard line" Calvinist types. At times they can be the most difficult opponents for Catholics as they appear to have a complete theological system. If fact, their system is totally incoherent, and you will be able to understand why...once you listen to this selection.

Audio - M Series - Christian Basics

This series deals with some of the basic Christian beliefs from a "non-denomination" approach. These tapes are intended for those who have no church affiliation, and/or to serve as a starting point for a discussion with someone of a different denomination.

They are thought provoking without directly attacking the errors of the false systems.

M1 - Forgiveness & Prayer
Forgiveness - This most basic aspect of Christian belief is one of the least understood. This selection deals with it from a logical and Biblical point of view. In the development, emphasis is placed on its relationship as necessary for salvation. Prayer - Virtually every Christian prays and every one holds that we should, but do you know that there are FOUR types (intentions) of prayer? This selection examines each of these types with the goal of explaining when and why Christians should pray.
M2 - Arguing Abortion & Tough Questions
Arguing Abortion - That abortion is an evil is self-evident, but too often Christians are unable to explain clearly and forcefully why it is. This SELECTION gives eight (easily remembered) non-technical irrefutable arguments which satisfy that need. Tough Questions - This selection is ALL questions with NO answers. But these questions are the important ones, which every Christian should be able to answer about his relationships with God, truth, His Church, etc. This selection is designed to serve as a means of self examination and as a starting point for discussions.
M3 - Biblical Interpretation & Genesis: Chapters 1-3
Biblical Interpretation - Everyone agrees on the fact that the Bible needs some interpretation. This selection explains some of the universal principles of interpretation, such as: use of numbers, reliance on systems, literalness, etc. This is perfect for those who are not familiar with the Bible, and it is excellent for novices. Genesis: Chapters 1-3 - Most people are quite familiar with the story of the Creation and Adam in the beginning of the Bible, but are you aware of the deep truths (concerning sin, the nature of man, the role of woman, etc.) which these few pages contain? This product develops the truths contained in this most important story.
M4 - Miracles & Faith
Miracles - Miracles are an essential part of the life of Jesus. However, miracles are more than mere events of God acting in history. This selection puts miracles into perspective, explaining their role as verification by God of His truth, thereby having a role in validating His revelation to man. Faith - This very simple word causes endless confusion because of its different–but related–meanings. This selection distinguishes the various types (trust, dogmatic, etc.), and explains which is necessary for salvation, and explains what faith is and what it is not. This selection dispels a great deal of misunderstanding.
M5 - Suffering & A Path to Sanctity
Suffering - Suffering, while still believing in a loving God, may be the greatest difficulty for the average Christian. Entire libraries have been written on this subject, but almost all ultimately evade the issue. This product takes a direct approach which no other does, and confronts the issue head on, arguing that sometimes suffering itself is necessary for salvation. Definitely thought provoking. A Path to Sanctity - This suggested approach outlines a way that you may become less self-centered and, by a progressive development, come closer to God. This is one of ARM’s few devotional selections, designed to make you a better person, and not merely educate you. It deals with fear of God and a desire for goodness, etc...
M6 - The Bible and the Church & Inerrancy
The Bible and the Church - Was the Church produced from the Bible or is the Bible a product of the Church? And which is the true basis for Christianity? These questions cause a lot of confusing language plus foolish theories. This product establishes the fact that the Bible is a "fruit" of the Church, and can not be separated from it. Inerrancy - This word means "free from error" when applied to the Bible. Yet the Bible contains obvious "errors" and "self-contradictions." This "problem" can cause difficulties. This SELECTION reconciles these two (only) apparently conflicting positions, and explains what the terms really mean, when properly understood.
M7 - Sin & Faith and Reason
Sin - Must all sin carry blame and penalty? Can it be avoided? How is it related to justice? Must it all be forgiven? This selection clears up problems and common misconceptions on this most basic concept by dealing with sin as a real rejection of God and not merely a "failing to succeed." Faith and Reason - This selection attempts to establish the proper relation between these two basic aspects of human activity by examining the limits and problems of reason, as well as how reason may serve and test, faith. These two divine gifts need never conflict.
M8 - Feelings & Art
Feelings - Do "feelings" have any valid place in religion? How does one determine good versus bad feelings? What are the distinctions among: feelings, emotions, and passions, and can they serve truth? This selection answers these and other questions on the emotional aspects of Christianity. Art - Is artistic endeavor a distraction, or an aid to devotion and spiritual growth? Is art a valid part of Christianity, or an intrusion by the spirit of the world? Real Christians have been on both sides of this matter. This is ARM’s offering to this discussion in which we try to make the issue clearer.
M9 - Humility & Justice
Humility - It is admitted by all that humility is a central Christian virtue. However, this is usually understood to be a self-denial of ones abilities and a type of self-hatred. In fact the true exercise of humility will appear to be what the world will condemn as "pride." This selection explains why. Justice - Justice can be considered a premier Christian social virtue. This selection expounds the dual aspect of justice: restitution AND revenge, and shows why both are essential parts of justice, each complementing the other.